Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Roll out the mats!

So it would seem I've officially become a blogger. Please roll out the mats blast the music and enjoy. 

Now as some of you may know or may not know I am finishing up my first novel and looking to self publish it late this year!! Yes so excited, also I'm an avid reader. So you'll be getting blogs with updates on my writing as well as about books I've read and maybe even movies or shows I saw that really stuck with me. 

I have seen most people post a little about them in their first blogs so I'll do the same. I'm a woman in my late twenties, I love to read, love to write, I'm addicted to entirely too much TV, I work and am from a big family. I'm not fussy about what I read or watch, as anything will do. 

I have a menage of pets I claim my main lovey is Nala who I saw and she went straight from my eyes to my heart. I'll be posting about her a lot as well. Whelp I think I'll leave it there as I don't want to give too much away on the date? LOL 


  1. I look forward to hearing more about what u r reading so ramble on lol & to hearing more about Nala :)

  2. You've got me on the edge of my seat waiting for this book, and I can't wait to hear more about Nala. <3

  3. Joanne and Amber welcome to my blog!! Ok now to go do a blog about the book I just finished.
