Saturday, September 15, 2012

Me and what I write

So I wanted to give you a little bit more about me and what I write. As I've said before I'm in my late twenties, 27, and I'm currently working a 9 to 5 to pay the bills while I write. I come from a big family and I wouldn't call us dysfunctional, more like a bunch of personalities that should never be mixed but were and we love each other. Even when we're screaming. I was born in Yuma, AZ and if you don't know where that is, its on the south corner of the state right on the Cali/Mexico border. Literally 1 side of the street you're in Yuma the other you're in Cali and two blocks up you're in Mexico. I am the youngest and the Queen Bitch as my siblings so lovingly titled me. I like to travel and yet I don't do car rides very well. High energy in small confined space is not pretty.

I started writing in my junior high years. Mainly I did it for friends as a way to escape. My character Caterina (Yes I know not very original) came about around that time, over the years I've found out more about her and probably in 2005 I want to say I started to develop the idea to do a series. Again this was for fun and only friends would see it. Life happened though and I wasn't able to pick up this series again until 2008, I started writing. Yes, I know its now late 2012..anyway I wrote and completed what I thought was the first book, when I went to do my read through of the draft I realized most of the book was back story and not all that entertaining to read. So I threw it out...gasp...yup the whole thing all 200,000 words. I started again and this time I was going to write Caterina's book and then I realized she just wasn't ready, this time I only had to throw out half a book.

2011 and back to the drawing board, which I now erased, I let the characters brew in my mind as I got to know them. I would write whatever they showed me, scene after scene and any detail they gave me. I needed them to be loud in my mind before I could think to start a book again. Wouldn't you know it, the moment I start listening they start talking! Gee why didn't I think of this in oh I don't know 2008 when I set out to write a book?? Well I was attached to what I wrote but more on that in a different blog. As I was writing everything down I made my series *Bible* just to keep everything in one spot and to track it all. I did this until the end of 2011. In Feb 2012 I was going through my *Bible* when I realized Talyia and Nico had given me their story minus the subplots and a few scenes here and there. Hallelujah!! I've died and gone to heaven, finally I had a book it took me about four months to write. Its now finished and with beta readers.  While this is getting polished up I'm doing my homework on self publishing, I still have a lot to learn, but feel confident with the help of other indies and my homework that I'll be OK. Now a little bit on my series.

Yes, it is a paranormal about wolves. Yes, its in the future, HOWEVER, I'm keeping it as realistic as I can. I have the first ten books mapped out. I also have a non- paranormal romance series idea in my head that I plan to write as well. Within a few weeks I hope to post more snippets from my book, for right now I leave you with this scene. We're in Nico's point of view and this is their first encounter after years of avoiding direct contact with each other. 

"Don't you knock!" She growled at him and his brows shot up.

"Obviously not rabbit." He smiled, Ah so she still had that pretty angry blush when he called her that. He was about to say something more when her scent hit him hard, causing his blood to sing and his cock to throb. Fuck.

"You're in heat" he stupidly made it a statement while he tried to do the math in his head. He didn't take her during her first heat, but he sure as fuck was going to take her now. God help them both when he did.

Nicodemus aka Nico is probably one of my favorite males, he also happens to be one of the only calm ones. When everybody else is shouting in my head for attention he comes in like a soothing breeze. Yes I know that sounds clinically insane, but I've learned that's pretty much the norm with authors. I hope you'll all get to enjoy Nico late this year or early 2013. I just know you'll love him.

 At this time I would like to extend my thanks to Kallypso Masters for all the info she shared about self publishing, she truly inspired me to take control over my own work. Also for showing me a male can be an ALPHA malesub...that's not Nico, but you do meet him in this book.

I enjoy talking on facebook and twitter, I have a few author friends that keep me a *girly* fan. Comments are always welcome. Thank you for taking this journey with me. ~Cat


  1. Hi Cat, I am looking forward to reading more of your Blog, & i can't wait to read more about Nico & Talyia. As i was reading the snippet & then it stopped,i said to my self, nnoooo.. i wont more! :)

  2. That is some amazing work Caterina :) I cant wait to hear more from your blog. Actually i just discovered it, and would love to help you in any way i can ;) anyways let me know


  3. Maxwell thank you for that. I'm so glad you found me. Joanne I'll be posting the first chapter (unedited) soon so you'll get more. I try to just post teasing little scenes that will grip people. Thank you all again
