Thursday, October 25, 2012

Talyia's Wolf - Chapter One (Unedited)

Denver, CO 2050

Razor sat behind his desk flipping through the pages of reports he was getting in from various packs in the state, things were not looking good for his sister. He tossed one report in particular aside and sat back in his chair steeping his fingers in front of his chin. He’d tried to convince her to merge her small pack with his; she was safer where he could watch her. He didn’t know how long he sat there lost in thought when a knock sounded on his door, his heightened sense of smell told him who it was, Nicodemus wasn’t going to be happy with him, but he saw no other way to get his sister to see to reason.


Nicodemus pushed through the door, his heavy footfalls sounding like thunder against the hardwood. He sat in the chair directly across from Razor. Razor got the feeling of being sized up and fought the urge to growl. He’d have thought they were past this posturing bullshit by now. He caught Nicodemus’ eyes and let his cold stare trap him there, letting his old friend stew a bit knowing that he would be the one to break the silence. When Nicodemus stirred shifting in his seat he had to bite back a smirk.

“Did you call me in here just to stare at me or was there a point?”

Any other wolf in his pack and he’d have knocked him down a few inches, but since this was Nicodemus and his old friend, he understood that he meant no disrespect. Still, he growled as he stood. His best shot at getting Nicodemus to agree to do the dirty work with his sister, was to convince him that the danger to her was immediate.

“I have a mission for you.” he searched for the particularly gruesome report that detailed everything the government wanted to do with his sister upon her capture, finding it he slid it across the desk to Nicodemus. Razor took to pacing in front of his office window as the sound of the pages turned, it was about the third page when Nicodemus growled and Razor turned at the sound of paper shredding.

“I told you not to let her go off on this silly quest of hers, I told you it was going to get her killed!”
“Watch it Nicodemus just because you’re a friend doesn’t mean I’ll allow for that accusation to stand.”

Razor teeth snapped shut and he panted to fight the change that threatened to overtake him. He knew well what he had been told; he also knew there was no stopping his sister. If he could have tied her up in a cell he’d have done it. The sound of chair legs scraping against the hardwood broke into the red haze and he looked up to find Nicodemus pacing, he could almost feel the hum of raw anger and need for violence thrumming in his veins. He needed to get his shit together so Nicodemus could. The downfall of being an Alpha is your moods affected your pack.

“As it so happens, I’ve decided its long past time for my sister to return the pack.”

“The mission you were talking about” he could hear the dread in Nicodemus’ voice

“Yes, you are to find her, convince her to return to the pack. In turn her pack will merge here and she can reclaim her position within this pack”

The slight whistling sound was the only warning he had before glass shattered to the left of his head, he quirked an eyebrow at Nicodemus.

“Have you forgotten your place Nicodemus?”

“Are you fucking crazy? She’d rip my balls off and feed them to me before I got past “Come home” and its Nico”

Razor laughed, leaning against his desk with his arms folded across his chest. The only reason, Nico, had taken that nickname was because Talyia gave it to him. He often wondered what his old friend’s hold up was.

“Talyia likes you; she wouldn’t take your balls. Mate her, like your wolf is telling you to do and getting her home will be easier.” In the beginning when he first figured out what was happening with Nico he didn’t want that for his sister. Now having been so happily mated himself he saw the benefits of Nico mating his sister.

“I fucking tried, she ran like a fucking rabbit. You can forget it Raz, not happening. Send your son. I’ll protect her and die for her, but I am not going up against her and telling her, she has to come home. She’ll just be convinced that I think she can’t handle herself.”

Nico got to the door when he roared. “You know she can’t handle herself in this, you walk out that door and you sentence her to die.”

Nico paused, “Send Shayde.” 

When the door clicked shut he let out his anger, everything on his desk went flying as he flipped it in his anger. He ripped his clothes off as he shifted, the change didn’t take him long anymore, and he stood in front of his window panting through the pain of the shift and the pain in his heart. He howled before jumping through the window.

(Talyia's Wolf : Book One of The Pack series due out early 2013) 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blood Purple - By Ashley Nemer

Ok so a while back I read a dear friends first book, its her spin on vampires and I truly enjoyed it here is my review that I gave her and it made her cry....


As I read Blood Purple I took notes, its something I'd gotten in the habit of doing over the years, I find that it helps me remember the things that I liked or didn't like about a book. So going into this it was no different than any other book I would read, about around the end of chapter 3 with Nikole being taken I realized that this was just not going to be like any other book I've read. For starters usually by the 3rd chapter I would have had at least one thing I didn't like. It just wasn't the case for me with Blood Purple. I loved the history you gave us before starting the story, then that scene with Hashim crowning Ikram I think I cried as if he was my own dad. It was pretty obvious to me that you were going to take me on a journey that just was going to demand every bit of my attention and pull me in. 

You didn't need the blown up drama that others in the past used to create a "conflicting" family dynamic, it was just there as is true for "real life" family dynamics, we all have at least one hot head in the family and siblings always have their sibling rivalry. So right out of the gate you had my respecting you for giving the history in the beginning so my enjoyment of the story wasn't hindered, you had me in tears and you had me intrigued because it wasn't something fake. Around the middle of chapter 4 I realized this story wasn't going to focus on any one "romantic" relationship, it was a story plain and simple and nobody does just "stories" anymore. That is not me saying it didn't have "relationships" in there there was its just I liked that my focus wasn't some whirlwind romance that at the end of the book I wouldn't buy. 

Now I was like a little worried because for most authors who try to focus on the telling of a story and there is no relationship to capture a reader tend to fall off the scale and I didn't want that for you but I hadn't needed to really worry at all. You had me hard press to stop going to the next page to take notes, because the story was just that good. I remember reading Nikole's testing, which again was at the start of the book and how well written that scene was, I remember raging with her when Nasir got her while she was distracted with Zayn. Even I was a little hard press to admit that they had her fair and square. That scene stuck with me because there were many like it in the book that just demanded I keep reading. 

As I came to the ending of the book you had me in tears again. Zayn's pain was real,Nikoles pain and insecurity was real, Adara's quilt was just so very real. I'll start off with Nikole...she had a right to feel safe in her own home, to realize you're not safe in your own home does something to you. I should know I learned that lesson pretty quick. Alec being right there for her even though it was clear that Zayn was going to freak was real. I keep saying real because it all comes down to most authors (not all) have to create these impossible situations to have conflict in their stories and to keep a reader interested in them as an author. You're just so good at telling a story and using what's not blown way out of proportion was where you had me hooked. Adara, man that whole situation sucked for her didn't it? To want to be with somebody, but to have that quilt resting on your shoulders because your best friend knows how to wound you the most, yeah I can say I'd have probably threw my hands up and left too. Purely because in that situation you're NOT going to win. Zayn...Zayn, Zayn what to say about him. He had the perfect parents, a sister he loved very well and to have that serenity ripped from you, I see where he'd have clung to Nikole and been possessive of her to the point it bordered on insanity. Then to realize that no matter how hard you're not always going to be able to protect the ones you love....yeah I was bawling at the end of the book and what sweetened the pot was how you kind of paralleled those three's moods at the end. You had Nikole crying and clinging to Alec once again unsure of herself and her decision, you had Adara in her pain and you had Zayn well he was freaking out but the paint through that whole last scene of Nikole leaving you understood his rage at the end. He lost his sister...who meant more to him than anything and he lost Adara....

Needless to say I was already in tears so to come to the end was like. WHAT??!!! I have to wait for the next part??? So naturally go to my note book to look back and see where that left me....I kid you not Ashie I wish I knew how to do a scan and print screen for you...I had nothing bad to say, I had page after page of scenes I liked that I probably should have just highlighted them on my kindle as opposed to trying to keep track of them all on paper. I've never had a book so full of scenes that I loved so much that I didn't want to forget over time as I did with this book. So I tried to sit and wrap it all in a neat little package and narrow it down which was still impossible to me though looking at this I did manage to pick a reasonable amount of scenes. The scenes I picked for this email weren't in any particular order of favorite to least and some weren't even the most prominent in my mind....they just best showed that I was doomed from the moment I opened the book. I seriously love the fact that you gave me the history up front, I hate having to go through page after page of back story just to know what's going on. I loved that they had magic and their eyes weren't all the same. I loved that you had certain things only the royal family was supposed to be able to do. I loved that you kept it real and didn't feel the need to "drama" it up any. The drama was there plain and simple in the history lesson you had the conflict, you had the drama you just needed to put the words for the in between and you did it.

It was a wonderful journey and you are a fantastic writer. Its really easy for those starting out to follow the "trend" just because they are so new and don't want to be ripped apart for being different, you it was like you were saying "Fuck you" in the only nice way there is to say it. You stepped out of the box, created your own world your on spin on something so loved and popular. It was like this perfect cocktail blend a little bit of history, throw in some vampires, magic, sibling rivalry shake it up add umbrella and enjoy. You kept things you were comfortable with as a comfort blanket and threw caution to the wind with the rest and succeeded better than I thought anybody could have in a long time.. 

Truly not enough I could possibly say and I could just go on and on with what scenes I loved but I'd basically be repeating the book to you. So its easier to say I loved the book in its entirety and so can't wait for Blood Yellow. I've not been this excited about something since waiting on pins and needles for Acheron. 

Ok, Ok, Ok...maybe Qhuinn and Blay too....but to be up there on that list you know is a feat. Truly thank you for writing that heart


Friday, October 19, 2012


So its been a month since my last blog and a lot has happened in that month. I'll start off by saying that I spent a good portion of today remembering the journey writing my first book took me on. To put it quite simply, its been AMAZING. I can finally announce that my first book in the Pack series is titled Talyia's Wolf. For me that has a double meaning: though Talyia is the alpha of her own pack she never really embraced her wolf, then there is the matter of Nico. Nicodemus has known from the moment he laid eyes on her that they were mates, but he let her run and prove herself, so its about her claiming FINALLY what's her's.

Right now I just got the book back from my Research Betas and I'm going over their comments and suggestion before kicking it back to them. Once they go through it a second time I'll be sending it off to the editors. My projected date of release should be Feb. 2013, I don't want to say sooner because I don't want to jinx myself. On another front I'm about 30% done with the second book, and I'm so far happy with how its coming along, that book will hopefully be out April 2013. I'll be starting to post tidbits from the book here, as well as character profiles and other goodies within the week so please stop in to enjoy all the fun. I'll also be using this blog as a book review site and hopefully will start to have guest bloggers here soon. I'll be sure to announce when that happens. I would like to also take the time to announce that immediately following this post will be my review of a dear friend's book Blood Purple by Ashley Nemer. If you've not had a chance to read that book I highly recommend it.

Many have asked in emails about my website, it took a while to nail down the web space and then to find a good webmaster. I wish I had the talent, but I do not, not to worry though because I did find an AMAZING webmaster who has taken  my ideas and dreams about my website and made them reality. We are just working out some bugs in the site and tying my pages to it and then it will be launched. Along with the launch of my website will be the launch of my FREE (yes free) newsletter. I just love when things are free don't you? Some goodies on the website are character profiles, book profiles that include the story behind the stories, pictures of placed I've visited that are in the book or that inspired scenes from the book, book playlists and much more. Also I'll have my first contest here in a few weeks, the winner will get to name a character as well as get a signed bookmark and book plate.

Wow, I didn't realize how much I had to share. I'm really excited about all that's coming up starting in the next few days and hope you are too. Have a great weekend right now I need to get back to those revisions so that you can have Talyia's Wolf in your hot little hands.

Hugs and Smooches