Friday, October 19, 2012


So its been a month since my last blog and a lot has happened in that month. I'll start off by saying that I spent a good portion of today remembering the journey writing my first book took me on. To put it quite simply, its been AMAZING. I can finally announce that my first book in the Pack series is titled Talyia's Wolf. For me that has a double meaning: though Talyia is the alpha of her own pack she never really embraced her wolf, then there is the matter of Nico. Nicodemus has known from the moment he laid eyes on her that they were mates, but he let her run and prove herself, so its about her claiming FINALLY what's her's.

Right now I just got the book back from my Research Betas and I'm going over their comments and suggestion before kicking it back to them. Once they go through it a second time I'll be sending it off to the editors. My projected date of release should be Feb. 2013, I don't want to say sooner because I don't want to jinx myself. On another front I'm about 30% done with the second book, and I'm so far happy with how its coming along, that book will hopefully be out April 2013. I'll be starting to post tidbits from the book here, as well as character profiles and other goodies within the week so please stop in to enjoy all the fun. I'll also be using this blog as a book review site and hopefully will start to have guest bloggers here soon. I'll be sure to announce when that happens. I would like to also take the time to announce that immediately following this post will be my review of a dear friend's book Blood Purple by Ashley Nemer. If you've not had a chance to read that book I highly recommend it.

Many have asked in emails about my website, it took a while to nail down the web space and then to find a good webmaster. I wish I had the talent, but I do not, not to worry though because I did find an AMAZING webmaster who has taken  my ideas and dreams about my website and made them reality. We are just working out some bugs in the site and tying my pages to it and then it will be launched. Along with the launch of my website will be the launch of my FREE (yes free) newsletter. I just love when things are free don't you? Some goodies on the website are character profiles, book profiles that include the story behind the stories, pictures of placed I've visited that are in the book or that inspired scenes from the book, book playlists and much more. Also I'll have my first contest here in a few weeks, the winner will get to name a character as well as get a signed bookmark and book plate.

Wow, I didn't realize how much I had to share. I'm really excited about all that's coming up starting in the next few days and hope you are too. Have a great weekend right now I need to get back to those revisions so that you can have Talyia's Wolf in your hot little hands.

Hugs and Smooches


  1. Thank you very much Fury it does an author good to know people are excited about something they have coming up.

  2. Way to go Caterina... Looking forward to your new adventure as a writer.

    Take care...


  3. Darlene,

    I can't wait to share my adventure with everybody. As things happen I'll be posting them here and on FB. Take care and enjoy!!

