Thursday, October 25, 2012

Talyia's Wolf - Chapter One (Unedited)

Denver, CO 2050

Razor sat behind his desk flipping through the pages of reports he was getting in from various packs in the state, things were not looking good for his sister. He tossed one report in particular aside and sat back in his chair steeping his fingers in front of his chin. He’d tried to convince her to merge her small pack with his; she was safer where he could watch her. He didn’t know how long he sat there lost in thought when a knock sounded on his door, his heightened sense of smell told him who it was, Nicodemus wasn’t going to be happy with him, but he saw no other way to get his sister to see to reason.


Nicodemus pushed through the door, his heavy footfalls sounding like thunder against the hardwood. He sat in the chair directly across from Razor. Razor got the feeling of being sized up and fought the urge to growl. He’d have thought they were past this posturing bullshit by now. He caught Nicodemus’ eyes and let his cold stare trap him there, letting his old friend stew a bit knowing that he would be the one to break the silence. When Nicodemus stirred shifting in his seat he had to bite back a smirk.

“Did you call me in here just to stare at me or was there a point?”

Any other wolf in his pack and he’d have knocked him down a few inches, but since this was Nicodemus and his old friend, he understood that he meant no disrespect. Still, he growled as he stood. His best shot at getting Nicodemus to agree to do the dirty work with his sister, was to convince him that the danger to her was immediate.

“I have a mission for you.” he searched for the particularly gruesome report that detailed everything the government wanted to do with his sister upon her capture, finding it he slid it across the desk to Nicodemus. Razor took to pacing in front of his office window as the sound of the pages turned, it was about the third page when Nicodemus growled and Razor turned at the sound of paper shredding.

“I told you not to let her go off on this silly quest of hers, I told you it was going to get her killed!”
“Watch it Nicodemus just because you’re a friend doesn’t mean I’ll allow for that accusation to stand.”

Razor teeth snapped shut and he panted to fight the change that threatened to overtake him. He knew well what he had been told; he also knew there was no stopping his sister. If he could have tied her up in a cell he’d have done it. The sound of chair legs scraping against the hardwood broke into the red haze and he looked up to find Nicodemus pacing, he could almost feel the hum of raw anger and need for violence thrumming in his veins. He needed to get his shit together so Nicodemus could. The downfall of being an Alpha is your moods affected your pack.

“As it so happens, I’ve decided its long past time for my sister to return the pack.”

“The mission you were talking about” he could hear the dread in Nicodemus’ voice

“Yes, you are to find her, convince her to return to the pack. In turn her pack will merge here and she can reclaim her position within this pack”

The slight whistling sound was the only warning he had before glass shattered to the left of his head, he quirked an eyebrow at Nicodemus.

“Have you forgotten your place Nicodemus?”

“Are you fucking crazy? She’d rip my balls off and feed them to me before I got past “Come home” and its Nico”

Razor laughed, leaning against his desk with his arms folded across his chest. The only reason, Nico, had taken that nickname was because Talyia gave it to him. He often wondered what his old friend’s hold up was.

“Talyia likes you; she wouldn’t take your balls. Mate her, like your wolf is telling you to do and getting her home will be easier.” In the beginning when he first figured out what was happening with Nico he didn’t want that for his sister. Now having been so happily mated himself he saw the benefits of Nico mating his sister.

“I fucking tried, she ran like a fucking rabbit. You can forget it Raz, not happening. Send your son. I’ll protect her and die for her, but I am not going up against her and telling her, she has to come home. She’ll just be convinced that I think she can’t handle herself.”

Nico got to the door when he roared. “You know she can’t handle herself in this, you walk out that door and you sentence her to die.”

Nico paused, “Send Shayde.” 

When the door clicked shut he let out his anger, everything on his desk went flying as he flipped it in his anger. He ripped his clothes off as he shifted, the change didn’t take him long anymore, and he stood in front of his window panting through the pain of the shift and the pain in his heart. He howled before jumping through the window.

(Talyia's Wolf : Book One of The Pack series due out early 2013) 


  1. You gave me goosebumbs. Great job!

  2. I'm glad you liked it and yes Nico is Dom/Dom lmfao

  3. that is some brilliant writing. kept me on the edge of my seat, and gives me some rest from my research. good work Caterina!
